2019年1月至4月雅思口语预测 (全球版)
2019-01-07 小编:长安 0




  继变题季第一场1.5日的笔试所对应的第一场口试(开始提前于笔试日期)之后,几天题目出现的速度正如鑫姐之前一直预期的那样,如雨后春笋,所以不能为自己的备考"procrastination"(拖延)找借口啦~ 赶快开始进入紧锣密鼓的备战状态啦!



  Part 1一级超高频

  1.Sleep 睡眠


  2.Sky 天空


  3.Stars 明星


  4.Tea and coffee 茶与咖啡


  5.Living areas 居住区域


  6.Public holiday 公共假日


  7.Gift 礼物


  Part 1二级必考高频

  8.Name 名字

  9.Study or work 学习或工作

  10.Hometown 家乡

  11.Living/Home/accommodation/house or flat (apartment) 居住情况

  12.Sunglasses 太阳镜

  13.Drinking water 喝水

  14.Movies 电影

  15.Morning routine 早上例行

  16.Cooking 烹饪

  17.Shoes 鞋


  19.Taking photos 拍照

  20.Color 颜色

  21.Holiday 假期(老题延续,因此不同于变题的public holiday)

  22.City 城市

  23.Painting/drawing 画画

  24.Music 音乐

  25.Teacher & school 老师&学校

  26.Sports 运动

  27.Park/garden 公园/花园

  28.Public transports/Transportation 公共交通/交通

  Part 2一级超高频

  1.Describe a book you want to write 想写的书

  2.Describe a time when someone did not tell you the whole truth about something 没对你说实情

  3.Describe someone you would like to study or work with 想与之共事的人

  4.Describe a newly built public facility (e.g. parks and cinemas, etc.) that influences your city 新建公共设施

  5.Describe a time when you taught something new to a younger person 教比你小的人

  6.Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to during your growth 想成为的人

  7.Describe an ideal house 理想的房子

  8.Describe your grandparent's job 祖父或祖母的工作

  9.Describe a time when you enjoyed your free time 享受闲暇

  10.Describe an old person who is interesting有趣的老人

  11.Describe a time when you received a very bad/horrible service坏服务

  12.Describe a kind of food that people eat during a special event 特殊活动吃的一种食物

  13.Describe a historical period you would like to know more about 历史

  14.Describe an item you bought but do not often use 不常用

  15.Describe a person (you have seen) who is beautiful or handsome 漂亮/英俊的人

  16.Describe a success your friend has achieved 朋友的成功

  17.Describe something lost by others but found by you 找到他人丢失之物

  18.Describe a present you received which was made by hand 手工礼物

  19.Describe a piece of good news you heard on TV or the Internet 好消息

  20.Describe an intelligent person you know智慧的人

  21.Describe something that you didn't have time to do没时间做的事

  22.Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time第一次尝试的户外运动

  23.Describe a healthy lifestyle you know 健康生活方式

  24.Describe something you do to help you study or work对你学习或工作有帮助的事

  25.Describe a subject that you used to dislike but have interest in now 以前不喜欢但现在有兴趣的科目

  Part 2二级必考高频

  26.Describe a movie/film or TV program that made you laugh让你笑的电影或电视节目

  27.Describe something that some people gave you and you really needed 某人给你而你需要的东东

  28.Describe a faraway place you plan to travel to 遥远之地

  29.Describe someone that you have not seen before but you want to see/know 没见过但想见之人

  30.Describe a time when a piece of your equipment was broken (such as TV and fridge, etc.) 设备出故障

  31.Describe a time when you changed your plan改变计划

  32.Describe a party you took part in (and liked) 派对

  33.Describe a time when you received money as a gift.收到钱

  34.Describe an important plant in your country/ Describe a time when you saw the whole growing process of a plant重要植物/看生长过程

  35.Describe the last book you read/a book you read recently 书

  36.Describe a good law in your country 好的法律

  37.Describe an activity you would do when you are alone 独处时的活动

  38.Describe a teenager that you know青少年

  39.Describe a childhood game you like 童年游戏

  40.Describe a time when you complained about something but were satisfied with the result. 投诉但结果满意

  41.Describe a language you want to learn (not English) 想学的语言(非英语)

  42.Describe a place where you study/like to study 学习之地

  43.Describe a time when you looked for information from the Internet 网上搜寻信息

  44.Describe a family business you know家族企业

  45.Describe a time when you borrowed something from your friends or family 借

  46.Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn 久学的技能

  47.Describe a person who helps to protect the environment环保的人

  48.Describe an interesting speech or lecture 有趣演讲或讲座

  49.Describe a beautiful city 美丽城市

  50.Describe an important decision made with the help of someone or others重要决定

  51.Describe an interesting part of your country 有趣之地

  以上每一道都是必考范围,光知道题目还不行,还想知道考前用什么素材轻松搞定所有预测题?【环球在线-鑫姐1至4月雅思口语预测技巧班】在腾讯课堂1月12日准时开课,连续三天带你用鑫姐的魔力药水事半功倍搞定所有考题素材,还有Part 3方法大揭秘!



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